
How composting can reduce our impact on the planet?

Every day, we leave behind small bits of organic waste that, at first look, appear negligible. Fruit peels, eggshells, tea bags, and fallen leaves from a plant after transplanting.  However, when we add them all up, we realize that they aren’t so insignificant: food scraps and other organic waste make for 44 percent of all trash created globally.

If not properly treated, this waste decomposes improperly, releasing large amounts of methane, a vital greenhouse gas. There is a widely available solution to this problem: converting it into compost using an organic waste composter machine.

Composting is an old agricultural process that has recently spread beyond rural regions to become more prevalent in urban environments. We’ll explain what composting is, how it works, and, most importantly, the advantages it provides to the globe and the environment.

What is the process of composting?

This method converts these organic materials into compost, known as composting, with the help of a composter machine.  Worms, bacteria, and fungus, and other decomposing agents play a role in this process, transforming waste into fertilizer material.

Composting requires a specific environment to create a decomposing ecosystem with plenty of oxygen (a compost bin). The temperature and humidity conditions that occur naturally in terrestrial ecosystems are imitated in these habitats to regenerate soil nutrients or develop new soil.

Benefits of composting 

Converting organic waste to compost has several advantages, which is why an increasing number of individuals are beginning to do it at home. First, it promotes the circular economy by closing the organic matter cycle and reusing goods that would otherwise be disposed of in landfills or incinerators.

This is a food waste solution: According to the United Nations Environment Programme, 1.3 billion tonnes of food are lost or wasted every year throughout the world (UNEP). Households create around 5.7 billion tonnes of these. Composting allows them to be returned to the Earth and given new life on a wide scale and in the home.

It’s also a chemical-free, quick, and inexpensive way to get high-quality compost. This contributes to a decrease in home carbon footprints and other linkages in the food supply chain. Food waste is estimated to contribute between 8% and 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, this decrease might have a substantial impact.

Back to Earth: Compost’s Ecological Effects

The environmental benefits of composting go beyond reducing emission: it helps to enhance soil quality, which decreases biodiversity pressure. Some of the benefits of utilizing compost as a fertilizer in gardening and agriculture are as follows:

  • Its nutrients help in the restoration of soil fertility.
  • It benefits the retention of water.
  • It cuts down on the need for chemical fertilizers.

It helps in recovering deteriorated soils, which now account for 33% of all soils on the planet. As a result, composting is introduced as a means of achieving more sustainable and responsible agricultural systems. At the same time, it allows families to contribute to environmental protection. 

For more information on the organic waste converter composting machine, contact the Smartenviro Systems team.


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