What is an organic waste composting

What is an organic waste composting appliance, its purpose, and its working principle

Now, a large amount of waste is generated every day, both at the domestic level and industrial level. It is most important to handle waste effectively. The food is deserte into landfills free of methane which is dangerous for the earth as an entire. Composting is the best method to handle the waste.

How to successfully compost?

Composting means recycling green waste composter from the garden and home by collecting it in piles to decompose in a composter. Composting is a technique of transforming organic waste into a rich, excellent quality, and 100% natural soil: compost. It lightens the soil and saves fertilizer, soil, and water. It also allows us to reduce our kitchen waste and garden waste and to avoid transport to the recycling middle to obtain rid of it.

What is compost?

Compost’ stands for ‘Compound fertilizer’. It is a fertilizer made from the waste of vegetable or animal origin. Once broken down by microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.), mixed and piled up, this organic substance produces a totally usual quality fertilizer that nourishes your plants, making them healthier and additional resistant to disease. It is the most balanced fertilizer: the additional different elements you compost, the more total your compost will be (green matter, brown waste, wet waste and dry matter). It strengthens the aptitude of your soil to retain water and essential nutrients for your plant.

What is an organic waste composting machine?

Organic waste composter machine is a processing machine that facilitates the composting process and provides some best quality composts. The organic waste compost machine takes waste as its input and provides manure as its output.

How does a composting machine work?

In the wild, it takes months before the compost is mature and can be used in the field. You can pace up this procedure by using a composting machine. In such a machine, natural waste is transformed into compost within 24 hours, thanks to a perfect combination of microbes and heat. It is a completely natural and long-lasting process.

Composting machines are of different kinds and different sizes. For large and small organizations. The composting machine can be used by all organizations dealing with organic waste.

The solutions

There are composter machine of all kinds and of all sizes. For a small restaurant or a large airport, anyone can make compost. In the organic waste converter, organic waste, such as food waste, is converted into compost by a unique combination of microbes and heat. This happens within 24 hours and is fully automatic. The volume of waste is reduced by 90%. The progress of the composting process can be followed by a screen on the machine.


Composting machines are not harmful to health. The machine heats the compost in a way that kills all harmful bacteria. In addition, the machine is designed in such a way that no unpleasant odours arise. The air from the machine escapes through the air outlet. For installing the machine, a three-phase current and an air exhaust system are required.

Good reasons to make compost at home

Did you know that collectively, every minute in Quebec, we create 20 tonnes of residential waste? This is the equivalent of 5 elephants per minute! Minute, after minute, after minute! It’s crazy, right? Here are some of the most excellent reasons to convince you to ignore the trash can and pay some more attention to that beautiful brown bin that is patiently waiting on your porch!


When our waste piles up in landfills, it is deprived of oxygen. Result: our garbage takes years to decompose and during this time produces a greenhouse gas that is very harmful to the environment. Conversely, when we compost our waste, we naturally return our organic matter to the earth. In the same instance, we reduce our waste by almost half. Most excellent  for the planet and for our health.


Do you dream of a prolific garden that will give you tomatoes and cucumbers to make all your neighbors jealous? It takes you to a richer and more fertile soil thanks to the addition of compost. This black gold is more effective and natural than chemical fertilizers. If you transform your compost yourself at home, it will be free. And several municipalities even give back, a few times a year, the compost they produce to the community. Inform yourself!



In some municipalities, the compost is sent to the plant, where it will be transformed into biome thane by microorganisms. And biome thane is a renewable natural gas. This natural gas(New window) can then be used for heating or cooking. Who would have thought one day that our vegetable scraps would be used to produce energy!


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